This really resonated with me, not in the romantic relationship department (I've been with my husband since we were 22), but it many other ways. I've always had high expectations for my life, and accepting that some things just aren't going to happen for me has been difficult. I particularly like this bit: "The lives that we are living now are not just a trailer for the lives—the better lives—that we might someday live, the lives where we have more and are more." Thanks for writing this, Kate!

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"social media has taken over our lives" What about friends, family, work, bars? Especially bars. That used to work pretty good : )

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Jun 12Liked by Kate Williams

Finding a person feels as useless as trying to figure out any social media algorithm. But that's always been the game I suppose, judging by the episodes of Sex and the City I've been rewatching. I started dating my husband the year I turned 30 (I'm 37 now) and looking back I do feel kind of glad that I got to be a single wild child in my 20s, but I also realize that gratefulness only comes with hindsight and the fact that I now have the loving relationship I always secretly hoped for. In my 20s there were a lot of tears and "am I going to die alone" thoughts. I was having fun, but there was also longing and lonliness.

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Jun 12Liked by Kate Williams

I really loved this read. Being honest with myself, I always realize that the dream of marriage and family was purely to prove to people that I was loveable. I’d like partnership because I feel so much healing can come from romantic partnership and commitment, but I’ve also healed so much in my loving platonic friendships.

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